
DRF-schema-adapters also allows you to export your endpoint ('s serialier definition) to frontend frameworks models (Ember.data models, Angular modules, angular-formly json files, Mobx+Axios models and stores definitions, ...). This can be done in 2 different ways:

  • on-the-fly generation
  • on-disk files generation

Before you are able to use any of these features, you'll have to enable export-app in your setting.py

## settings.py




Default: `export_app.adapters.EmberAdapter``

Used by: Dynamic & on-disk generation

If you wish to use another adapter, you'll have to configure it in your settings.py as well:

## settings.py

EXPORTER_ADAPTER = 'export_app.adapters.MobxAxiosAdapter'

or specify it on the command-line with --adapter <adapter_name>.

If you are using one of the provided adapter, you can simply specify them using their classname eg:

./manage.py export --adapter AngularAdapter sample/categories

If you are using a third-party adapter, you'll have to specify the full dotted path to the adapapter eg:

./manage.py export --adapter third_party.very_cool.Adapter sample/categories


Default: `'urls.router'

Used by: Dynamic & on-disk generation

The python path to the router on which you registered your ViewSet's


Default: 'djember'

Used by: Dynamic generation only

The name of your frontend application or modulePrefix (eg: found in config/environment.js of an ember app folder)


Default: '../front'

Used by: On-disk generation only


Default: '/api'

Used by On-disk generation only (AngularAdapter and MobxAxiosAdapter)

Relative path from your Django project base to your frontend application base directory.


Default: determined by the adapter

Used by: Dynamic & on-disk generation

A dictionary mapping DRF field serializer class names to frontend property types. An mapping you declare in this dictionnary will either override the default one or be added to it.


Default: determined by the adapter

Used by: Dynamic & on-disk generation

string repesenting the frontend property type the export should default to when the DRF field serializer in not found in EXPORTER_FIELD_TYPE_MAPPING


On-the-fly generation (:warning: currently only available with EmberAdapter)

In order to generate js files on the fly, you'll have import the urls from the project and add them to your urlpatterns.

# urls.py

from export_app import urls as export_urls, settings as export_settings

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^models/', include(export_urls, namespace=export_settings.URL_NAMESPACE)),

For each ViewSet (Ember expects the same endpoint for CRUD operations, so it's better to use ViewSet's) or Endpoint registered on your router, this url setting will provide a corresponding ember js model.

If you have registered the following Viewset: router.register('categories', CategoryViewSet)

The corresponding (ES5) Ember model definition will now be available at http://localhost:8000/models/categories.js

This functionality is meant to be used with ember-cli-dynamic-model and the recommended usage is to register all your ViewSet's or Endpoint's using the / as in my_app/categories. (This is automatically done for you if you are using drf_auto_endpoint's router registration capabilities with Model's or Endpoint's)

On-disk files generation

export_app also provides a management command to generate (ES5, ES6 or ES7 depending on the adapter) models on disk:

./manage.py export route_registered_with_the_router

So assuming you have registered the following ViewSet:

router.register('sample/categories', CategoryViewSet)

you can run:

./manage.py export sample/categories

in order to generate the corresponding model. This command will generate on or more files (once again depending on the chosen adapter) in you frontend application.

On-disk files re-generation

It is prefered not to add auto-generated files to your SCM, this includes base frontend models. To create those base models after a fresh clone of a project, after pull changes from a co-worker or after making changes to several previously exported backend models, use:

./manage.py reexport



Using the EmberAdapter will export the definition of the serializer linked to an endpoint to an Ember.data model definition.

Since you might want to add computed properties or other features to an Ember model, this is done using 3 files:

  • models/base/<app_name>/<model_name>.js <- always overwritten
  • models/<app_name>/<model_name>.js < inherits from the base model, never overwritten
  • tests/unit/models/<app_name>/<model_name>-test.js < overwritten on confirmation


Using the AngularAdapter will export an Angular1 resource definition file into modules/resources/<application_name>-<model_name>.js.


Using the Angular2Adapter will export an Angular2+ typescript model class as well as a service in app/models/<application_name>/. DRF-schema adapter will also create base files with code that will be overwritten with each export.


Using this adapter you'll be able to dump the content of the Metadata (OPTIONS call) of an endpoint into your frontend application in a file named data/<application_name>-<model_name>.json.

The created output will depend on the adapter you chose for drf_auto_endpoint using the DRF_AUTO_METADATA_ADAPTER


This adapter is very similar to the MetadataAdapter with the difference that it will export your metadata as ES6 modules rather than JSON files.

The eported files will be exported to data/<application_name>/<model_name>.js. It will also create a data/index.js which exports a pojo which in turn imports each of the exported files as:

   'application-name/model-name': {...metadata},
   'application-name/other-model': {...metadata},

The index file also exposes a metadata pojo which contains the APIRoot's metadata.

Example usage:

import modelMetadata from 'data';
import { metadata } from 'data';

console.log(modelMetadata, metadata);

MobxAxiosAdapter (for use with React or standalone)

Using the MobxAxiosAdapter will export the definition of the serializer linked to an endpoint to a set of mobx "model" and mobx+axios "store".

Since you might want to ass computed value or other features to a mobx model, this will yield up to 6 different files:

  • config/axios-config.js <- configuration of the endpoint base and CSRF settings: never overwritten
  • stores/_base.js <- a base definition of how stores work: never overwritten
  • stores/<app_name><model_name> <- specific definition for this store: overwritten on confirmation
  • models/base/_base.js <- a base definition of how models work: never overwritten
  • models/base/<app_name><model_name> <- a model containing the same list of fields as the serializer: always overwritten
  • models/<app_name><model_name> < a enpty model that inherits from it base counterpart: never overwritten