The Endpoint class

As with Django's ModelAdmin class you can also define your own Endpoint class and register it with the router instead of registering a model.

In simple terms, Endpoint's are a wrapper around a DRF's ModelViewSet and ModelSerializer.

DRF-Schema-Adapter allows for auto-discovery of Endpoint's located in file. You can either register them directly on the router or use the @register decorator.

# my_app/
from drf_auto_endpoint.endpoints import Endpoint
from drf_auto_endpoint.router import register, router
from .models import MyModel, OtherModel

class MyModelEndpoint(Endpoint):

    model = MyModel
    read_only = True
    fields = ('id', 'name', 'category')

class OtherModelEndpoint(Endpoint):

    model = OtherModel
    list_me = False

from drf_auto_endpoint.router import router

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^api/', include(router.urls)),




The Model class the endpoint should represent


defaults to all fields from the model

A tuple or list of field that should be present. This is the same attribute as what you would give to a ModelSerializer's Meta class.


defaults to an empty list

A tuple or list of extra fields that are not detected by the default Endpoint class. This is generally used to add model @property's to your serializer.


default: True

Boolean indicated whether or not __str__ should be included in the automatically-generated list of fields.


default: False

Boolean indicating whether this Endpoint should be a read-only Endpoint or not.


default: False

This can be either a Boolean or a list. Set to True if you want all relationships, when exported via Metadata, to include a list of records in the metadata's choice property.

To include only certain fields, provide a list of field names instead of a Boolean.


default: None

A list or tuple of permission classes to apply to th Endpoint. Similar to the permission_classes attribute you would use on a DRF ViewSet


default: ModelSerializer (from settings.DRF_AUTO_BASE_SERIALIZER)

Endpoint's will automatically generate serializers based on ModelSerializer. You can override this behavior and pass in your own base_serializer tha will be used to generate the serializer associated with the Endpoint.

If all your Endpoint's are going to be using the same base_serializer, you may also want to change the default DRF_AUTO_BASE_SERIALIZER in your settings.


default: None

Instead of letting the Endpoint automatically generate a serializer you can pass in a serializer class of your own using the serializer attribute


default: ReadOnlyModelViewSet (if read_only = True ) or ModelViewSet (from settings.DRF_AUTO_BASE_VIEWSET and settings.DRF_AUTO_BASE_READONLY_VIEWSET)

Endpoint's will automatically generate viewsets based on ModelViewSet or ReadOnlyModelViewSet. You can override this behavior and pass in your own base_viewset that will be used to generate the viewset associated with the Endpoint.

If all your Endpoint's are going to be using the same base_viewset (readonly or not), you may also want to change the default DRF_AUTO_BASE_VIEWSET and/or DRF_AUTO_BASE_READONLY_VIEWSET in your settings.


default: None

Instead of letting the Endpoint automatically generate a viewset you can pass in a viewset class of your own using the viewset attribute.


default: None

A list or tuple containing a list of fields the Endpoint should be able to filter on. Similar to the filter_fields attribute you would pass to a ViewSet using a DjangoFilterBackend


default: None

Endpoint's will automatically generate a FilterSet class based on base_filter_class and filter_fields. The class base_filter_class points to does not need to define a Meta (model nor fields) as it will be generated by a factory


default: None

As with serializer and viewset, instead of specifying a base_filter_class, you can speciafy a full-fledged filter_class instead. filter_class can also be retrieved from base_viewset or viewset


default: None

A list or tuple containing a list of textual fields the Endpoint should be able to search on. Similar to the search_fields attribute you would pass to a ViewSet using a SearchFilter backend


default: None

A list or tuple containing a list of fields the Endpoint should be able to sort on. Similar to the oredering_fields attribute you would pass to a ViewSet using an OrderingFilter backend


default: None

An integer representing the number of records that should be present per result page. Similiar to the page_size attribute you would set on a custom PageNumberPagination class.

fieldsets :warning: Only used by metadata

defaults to a single fieldset without title containing the same fields as the fields attribute

A list or tuple containing the list of fields to use. Somewhat similar to the list of fields you would set as fieldsets attribute of a ModelAdmin class while more powerfull as you are free to describe any number of levels of nested records here.

If the value for fieldsets becomes too bloated for your code, you can also move it to a fieldsets.json file inside the application directory. fielsets.json should have a property for each Endpoint, teh name of the property being the name of the Endpoint's Model.

  "Category": [
    {"name": "name"},

fields_annotation :warning: Only used by metadata

defaults to an empty dict

A dictionary containain field annotations. annotation can be placeholder and/or help.


    'name': {
        'placeholder': 'Product name',
        'help': 'The name of your product'
    'category': {
        'placeholder': 'Product category',

custom_actions :warning: Only used by metadata

defaults to an empty list

A list or tuple of dictionaries descibing custom actions available on each record. You can also declare custom actions by using the @custom_action or @wizard decorators. Custom actions declared using any of these 2 decorators will automatically be added to the list of custom_actions at runtime.

bulk_actions :warning: Only used by metadata

defaults to an empty list

A list or tuple of dictionaries descibing bulk actions available on a set of records. You can also declare bulk actions by using the @bulk_action decorator. Bulk actions declared using this decorator will automatically be added to the list of bulk_actions at runtime.

save_twice :warning: Only used by metadata

default: False

Used to indicated to the frontend that this model should be saved twice (once before and once after related models) for new records or after having saved the related models for existing records. This is useful for models that have a oneToMany relationship to a model (let's call it employees) and a foreignKey to that same model (let's call it favourite).

sortable_by :warning: Only used by metadata

default: None

The name of the field by which models in this endpoint can be re-ordered (usually position).

list_me :warning: Only used by metadata

default: True

Whether or not this endpoint should eb listed by the OPTIONS call to the api root.

conditional_formatting :warning: Only used by metadata

A dictionary with keys corresponding to css class names and values being a list of condition dictionaries to be ealuated on the frontend.

Decorators for custom Endpoint's

All decorators accept any number of keyword arguments. Those arguments will be translated into a dictionary and made available as such for OPTIONS call to their relative Endpoint when using DRF-schema-adapter's metadata capailities.

Although, you can pass any number of keyword arguments to the decorator, some of those arguments will be interpreted in a special manner:

Decorator special keyword arguments


This keyword argument will not be added to the dictionary published by metadata but will be used instead to determine what HTTP method/verb this action should be linked to. It defaults to 'GET' for custom and bulk actions and 'POST' for wizard's.


This keyword argument will be added to the dictonary published by metadata even if not provided. It defaults to 'request' for custom and bulk actions and to to 'wizard' for wizards.


This keyword argument will be added to the dictonary published by metadata even if not provided. It defaults to the value of the DRF_AUTO_ACTION_ICON_CLASS setting ('fa fa-cog') by default.


This keyword argument will be added to the dictonary published by metadata even if not provided. It defaults to the value of the DRF_AUTO_ACTION_BTN_CLASS setting ('btn btn-default') by default.


This keyword argument will be added to the dictonary published by metadata even if not provided. It defaults to the "capfirst'd" name of the decorated method.


This decorator has somewhat similar properties than DRF's ViewSet method decorator @action (with detail=True) except it is meant to be used on Endpoint's and with the added functionality of adding that particular method directly to the custom_actions of the Endpoint (used for metadata generation).

Custom actions created with this decorator will also yield two extra property to their output dictionary (metadata):

  • url: the url this action is linked to
  • verb: the HTTP verb to be used to call this method


This decorator has somewhat similar properties than DRF's ViewSet method decorator @action (with detail=False) except it is meant to be used on Endpoint's and with the added functionality of adding that particular method directly to the bulk_actions of the Endpoint (used for metadata generation).

As with the @custom_action decorator, bulk actions created with this @bulk_action will yield two extra property to their output dictionary(metadata):

  • url: the url this action is linked to
  • verb: the HTTP verb to be used to call this method


Wizard's are meant to be used for actions that require extra input on the frontend. Like moving a calendar appointment would require the "target date".

Wizard's are also somewhat similar to DRF's ViewSet method decorator @action with the difference that they use an extra serializer to validate the data sent from the frontend. This validated data will be set to the validated_data attribute on the request passed to the wizard method.

@wizard decorators (unlike the previous 2) take a single required arguments:

  • serializer: the serializer class used to validate the data comming from the frontend. This serializer's validated_data will accissible directly on the resquest object as request.validated_data.

@wizard decorators also take an optional argument:

  • meta_type: can be either custom (default) or list. custom will have this decorator act like @action(detail=True) while list will have it behave like @action(detail=False).

Similarly to the other decorators in this package, @wizard will yield extra information into their metadata output dictionary:

  • url: the url this action is linked to
  • verb: the HTTP verb to be used to call this method
  • params: a dictionary similar to an endpoint's metada itself; including:
  • needs: the extra models needed in order to render a form matching the wizard's serializer
  • fieldsets: similar to an endpoint's fieldsets, describes the arrangement of the fields corresponding to the wizard's serializer
  • fields: similar to an endpoint's fields, fully describes the fields corresponding to the wizard's serializer
  • model: the "model name" associated to the wizard's serializer; can be used to load an on-the-flygenerated model definition for the frontend framework