Using DRF-Schema-Adapter with custom serializers

If you whish to use custom Serializer's instead of the default one created by DRF-Schema-Adapter, you first have to define one.

You don't have to create a full Serializer with a Meta class, you only need to declare whatever will differ from the "default Serializer" created by DRF-Schema-Adapter.

If you want to use nested Serializer's, you'll probably also want to take advantage of serializer_factory.

from drf_auto_endpoint.factories import serializer_factory
from rest_framework import serializers

from .models import Category

class ProductSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    category = serializer_factory(model=Category, fields=('id', 'name'))()

Once you have a Serializer, you can import it and pass it as base_serializer to the Endpoint

from .serializers import ProductSerializer

class ProductEndpoint(Endpoint):

    base_serializer = ProductSerializer

If you have a "full Serializer" instead of a partial one like above, you can by-pass DRF-Schema-Adapter's alltogether by passing the Serializerto the Endpoint as serializer instead of base_serializer:

from .serializers import ProductSerializer

class ProductEndpoint(Endpoint):

    serializer = ProductSerializer