Creating a custom Export adapter

When creating a custom adapter, the firstthing you'll want to do is import the base class.

from export_app.adapters import BaseAdapter


An export adapter can work from the Serializer, the ViewSet or both. You can customize that behaviour with the works_with property that can one of these 3 values:

  • serializer (default)
  • viewset
  • both

Adapters that need field definition will usually work from the Serializer as it holds all field-related information. This is common when using a frontend that has at least a partial data layer.

Adapters that need routing information will usually work from the ViewSet as it holds the url and other information like actions. This is common when using a frontend that cannot map model names to routes.

Of course, sometimes you'll need both types of information, like with the Angular2Adapter. Some adapters also need to work with the ViewSet because they will be calling on method on that ViewSet like BaseMetadataAdapter, MetadataAdapter and MetadataES6Adapter that export the content produced by calls to the OPTIONS route of the Endpoint.

Field types mapping

When working with a frontend that has at least a partial data layer, you'll probably want to use some kind of mapping between DRF field types and frontend field types.

There are 2 properties you need to mind in order to do that:

  • DEFAULT_MAPPING which is the default frontend field type you want to map to.
  • FIELD_TYPE_MAPPING which is a dictionary. DRF type names are the keys while frontend type names are the values.
